How CEREC Is Used for Dental Restorations

CEREC The Colony, TX

CEREC® technology allows dentists to make dental restorations onsite, eliminating the need for multiple appointments to get restorations placed on teeth. The acronym stands for the Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, and it involves sending data to a CEREC machine that makes restorations in as little as 20 minutes.

The traditional way of getting a restoration like a crown placed on a tooth requires multiple visits to the dentist. The first appointment involves examining the patient’s tooth and preparing it for the restoration. It also includes taking an impression of the patient’s tooth and sending it to a dental lab where restorations are made. It takes up to two weeks for the finished restoration to get back to the dentist. The patient then comes in for a second appointment so their customized veneers can be placed.

CEREC: The more convenient option

Thanks to CEREC, you no longer have to take time off work, school, or whatever else you have planned twice just to get a dental restoration placed on your tooth. It also provides a fast, permanent solution to the issue that brought you to the clinic in the first place.

CEREC restorations also provide better aesthetics than traditional restorations. The technology combines computer-aided design and manufacturing technology to create natural-looking restorations out of solid ceramic blocks.

Some of the restorations that can be made with CEREC technology include:

1. Crowns

Crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover the visible part of teeth. They provide cosmetic and therapeutic benefits. A crown restores the appearance of the tooth it is placed on and prevents acids and bacteria in the mouth from making contact with it. A crown also restores the bite function of a tooth and protects it against bite forces.

CEREC crowns are made from ceramics with similar properties to real teeth, like their natural white color and translucence. This leads to excellent aesthetics.

2. Veneers

A veneer is a tooth-shaped cover that is cemented over the front part of teeth. It hides any flaws on a tooth, drastically improving its appearance. Veneers are cosmetic restorations that do not provide any significant therapeutic benefits.

Issues that can be addressed with veneers include discolored, chipped, deformed, short, and crooked teeth. Placing a veneer on a tooth usually involves removing some enamel (the tooth’s outer covering) to make space for the restoration. CEREC restorations are made with a higher level of precision, so less enamel needs to be removed when preparing teeth.

3. Onlays

An onlay is a partial crown that is typically recommended when a tooth is too damaged to be treated with filling but not damaged enough to justify the use of a crown. An onlay can restore teeth with such damage by covering one or more of their cusps. Traditional onlays are made in a dental lab, but CEREC makes it possible to make and place onlays during the same visit.

Restore your smile

Dealing with a dental problem that might require a restoration? Call or stop by our The Colony clinic to set up an appointment with our dentist.

Request an appointment here: or call The Colony Dentist at (972) 534-6001 for an appointment in our The Colony office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: CEREC Dentist in The Colony, TX.

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